Friday, July 31, 2009

Dr. Drew Pinsky: Helping Us With That Rash

Dr. Drew Pinsky: Caller one, you're next on LoveLine.

Caller: Hello Dr. Drew, this is OutFoxed at SFOTD. I'm concerned because every single time I see a picture of you I get this strange sensation and growth in my nether regions. Can you help me?

[Cut to commercial break]

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jim Zorn - Redskins Head Coach

In honor of the first week of training camp, I am highlighting a clever, but sadly abused silver fox - Jim Zorn. As the Head Coach of the Washington Redskins, Zorn has either been 100% admired or 100% hated by Redskins fans, sports commentators and Redskins players. One moment he is being hailed a genius that will carry the team to the Super Bowl, and the next he is being asked to leave Washington in a tar and feathers because they were last in the NFC East. (And no I will never give Jerry Jones space on this blog.)

So to show him a little more respect than he gets from other Washingtonians, by objectifying him, here is to you Jim Zorn. Hopefully your silver sides will be beautifully lite in the Florida sun as the Redskins lose again to Jacksonville in the preseason.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Drunken Fool Alexandria, Virginia Chief of Police David Baker

Today’s fox is being posted as a cautionary… tail. (We’ll take a moment to absorb the applause that is surely forthcoming for our restraint in not saying “tail.”) (Yeah, we’re only human.) Smokin’ hot Alexandria, Virginia Chief of Police David Baker went from Silverus Foxus Pillar of the Communitas to drunken fool over the weekend, when he blew a 0.19 (the hell? What was he drinking, Peter O’Toole’s blood?) while trying to get on I-66. (We find that route traumatizing enough when stone cold sober.) Stupid, stupid fox. Do your time and make some serious amends – naked PSAs on our local NBC affiliate would be a start – and come back to us once rehabilitated. Remember, cubs and kittens – even looking jumpable as a trampoline in your dress blues is never – repeat, never ever – an excuse to put lives at risk.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Aaron Hicklin: Out EIC

What a hard act to follow, after FoxySpice upped the ante yesterday and went nuclear with (dare I even type his name?) ... Anderson Cooper. That said, I happened to be perusing the pages of Out magazine today and while I usually skip over "Editor's Letters" for the more hunky D&G ads and shirtless photo spreads, this letter (well photo) caused me to pause. Editor-out-Chief Aaron Hicklin is quite stunning in his official head shot.

Aaron, whenever you want to move a comma or catch our awkward split infinitives, be my guest. At SFOTD, we could use a hard-nosed, firm, unwavering, and dominant ... editor.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

SFOTD UPDATE: Anderson Cooper

In yesterday's Washington Post an article entitled "Who Can We Trust Now?" or "Whom Can We Trust Now?" (as titled on the online edition ... Post get your titles straight!) featured people's suggestions of those who meet the Cronkite standard of trustworthiness -- and Mr. Cooper was mentioned.

"I guess Anderson Cooper would be my answer, because he always has that slight bit of cynicism when it's deserved. . . . I always said there are only two reasons to have television: war and pornography. So I guess if it's war, I'd look at him. And I guess if I had to look at any newscaster in a porno film, I'd pick him." -- John Waters, filmmaker.

We applaud Mr. Waters for sharing the same sentiment we have about Anderson. Just don't let us catch you running out the back door when we're at the front!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Patrick Fabian

Actor Patrick Fabian most often plays white-collar professional types in shows such as Boston Legal (attorney), The Mentalist (psychotic industrialist - oops, spoiler!), and Big Love (something... in a white collar), but we're confident that under that sensible raincoat, golf umbrella, bespoke suit, shirt, tie, undershirt and cufflinks beats a defibrillator that positively pulses with passion.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Eric Ripert: Le cuisinier Français

In case you haven't noticed, SFOTD is (at least currently) a DC operation. But we're trying to expand into new parts of the country, and today we "travel" to New York City where French chef Eric Ripert lives, works, cooks, and frolics. This silver pelted Frenchman (Vulpes-Argentus-Erectus-Francophonus) not only knows how to whip up some delicious aubergine, courgette, and escargot, but he was also recently awarded the Légion d'honneur by the French government. Talented and he contributes "to the defence and the prosperity of France," impressionnant! Insert a joke about a baguette here.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Captured in the Wild: A SFOTD Exclusive!!!!!

Have you ever been sitting on the Metro and caught a glimpse of a rare, but beautiful silver fox? Or been jogging on the Mall and have one pass you? Well we have at SFOTD, and to honor these not-so-famous silver foxes in that paparazzi instant celebrity style, we will be showcasing them when "Captured in the Wild".

Today's specimen was seen feeding at Nando's Peri-Peri. We were instantly attracted to him, and his dapper manner. As you can see he is a sophisticated fox with an eye for fashion. Although he wasn't feasting on some world famous Nando's chicken at that moment, he was more than welcome to hold himself over with an appetizer of me.

*Please e-mail us your "Captured in the Wild" photos with a brief description, and we will make sure to feature him in the next posting.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Brian Williams: NBC's Nightly Prince Charming

Today’s Silver Fox, the host of NBC’s Nightly News, teeters delicately yet manfully on the fine line between media and politics. You can imagine the subsequent hair-pulling, nail-tearing catfight that accordingly broke out between myself and Outfoxed when deciding who should have the honor of immortalizing him on this blog. Suffice to say that this post is being written from a seated position atop Outfoxed’s back, while his fists ineffectually drum on the floor. Ladies and Gheys, I give to you the one, the only, Briannnnnn Williamssssssssss! With his sardonic sense of humor, bloodhound bedroom eyes and vellum-like crows’ feet, he’s on our screens and in our hearts. Nightly, even.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tim Gunn: Lifetime's Latest Accessory

Just in case you haven't been watching what happened with (formerly) Bravo's hit series "Project Runway," here's what you missed: Harvey Weinstein and his little production company took the show (after a lengthy court battle and finger pointing by anyone and everyone) to a competing network. Gay men everywhere gasped when they heard that their beloved Silver Fox and cohost of the show, Tim Gunn, would be leaving America's second gay network (Bravo) for America's first gay network (Lifetime). With the newly announced contestants for the upcoming season, now Tim and Heidi have the make it work ... somewhere else on the basic cable dial. Gunn's many catch phrases and delectable word choices never leave us wanting more. He just needs to remember: Don't bore Nina!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Larry Mize, Senior PGA Tour Member

Today's post is dedicated to my old stomping grounds of North Florida and the golf legends that have come year-after-year to compete in The Players Championship. For me, the one that stands out among these classy gentlemen is Larry Mize. While I've never seen him play at TPC, I believe he deserves recognition for being a Silver Fox that is always glistening in the rough and on the green. Larry, here's an offer: If you ever come back to TPC, maybe we can make our own fun on the Island Green.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

International Fox of Mystery: Former Prime Minister of Japan Junichiro Koizumi

It turns out, courtesy of our pal Rakugoka over on Okashi Na Banashi, that
there is an actual term for Silver Fox in Japan – Kitsune! (See, this blog can be educational as well as vaguely disrespectful!) Today’s Kitsune-san is former Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, notable for the first overseas deployment of the Japanese military since World War II.

We may objectify Koizumi-san because he looks as though he belongs on the cover of a samurai romance novel, but we love him because of his Elvis fetishism, which led to Graceland hosting a freaking state visit; his fandom of Japanese death metal (we’re not even kidding); and the fact that he didn’t remarry after divorce because he found marriage too energy-consuming. Now that’s the kind of guy we could grow old with. Well, older on his part, anyway. But seriously, we’d serve him on a bed of soba noodles any time. Or rummage under his kimono…. or something equally stereotypical and offensive.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Way Back Wednesday: Paul Newman

We're all back from our luxurious vacations to Nantucket, the Hamptons, and Laguna Beach. In honor of our triumphant returns to the working world, we at SFOTD have decided to unveil our new weekly feature: Way Back Wednesday.

Each Wednesday, without fail, we will feature a classic (but, sadly, extinct) Silver Fox. It is only fitting that our first feature is none other than the King of Lemonade (and Academy Award-winning actor), Paul Newman. The world lost this SF back in September 2008, but his large body of work -- from The Color of Money, The Sting, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and even Disney/Pixar's Cars -- lives on in the hearts (and loins) of many. Did I mention he was pretty damn hunky in his day?