Wednesday, July 22, 2009

SFOTD UPDATE: Anderson Cooper

In yesterday's Washington Post an article entitled "Who Can We Trust Now?" or "Whom Can We Trust Now?" (as titled on the online edition ... Post get your titles straight!) featured people's suggestions of those who meet the Cronkite standard of trustworthiness -- and Mr. Cooper was mentioned.

"I guess Anderson Cooper would be my answer, because he always has that slight bit of cynicism when it's deserved. . . . I always said there are only two reasons to have television: war and pornography. So I guess if it's war, I'd look at him. And I guess if I had to look at any newscaster in a porno film, I'd pick him." -- John Waters, filmmaker.

We applaud Mr. Waters for sharing the same sentiment we have about Anderson. Just don't let us catch you running out the back door when we're at the front!

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