Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Captured in the Wild: Caribbean Edition Finale!!!!

We have finally found our way out of the Bermuda Triangle and are ready to present to you the final specimen from the Caribbean.

There's really not much I can say about this one-in-a-billion silver fox. In fact, when I saw him for the first time, I became speechless and went running for my camera. When I couldn't find it quick enough, my significant other handed me his and said "I understand." (True story, no fingers crossed.) So to give him the proper respect, I'm not going to make a cheesey one liner about this perfectly crafted pecs or how his skin shimmers in the hot Caribbean sun or how I crave to be alone with him in the pool under the moon as the soft sea breeze blows through my hair, no i won't make any remarks like that.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Captured in the Wild: Caribbean Edition

Shiver our timbers, it's another installment of Captured in the Wild: Caribbean Edition.
Our second specimen comes to us straight from the Lido deck (of all places). At first glance you may think, "Oh my is that Bret Favre?", because I definitely did. But upon closer inspection you will notice that this is not the whiny-baby quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings, but rather a more handsome less abused silver fox.

During the cruise, I probably caught a glimpse of this silver fox about 15 times - once in the dimly lit Starry Nights bar (yes, it was a terribly themed bar that was model after the van Gogh painting), another while he was proudly strutting through the casino, but every time alone. So it is sad to say, based on my observations this silver fox was solitary (or am i sad to say?). Well if he needed company, I know I made it all too obvious (by snapping random pictures of him from afar)that I would had kept him company. If only this fox hunter knew what it felt like to be held in the arms of a NFL look-alike.

p.s. turn in later this week for the grand finale of Captured in the Wild: Caribbean Edition.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted Kennedy: Way Back Wednesday

There's a lot we could say today, on this day after the late Senator's death. We could make a joke or two about Mary Jo Kopechne or Chappaquidick. But we won't. We'll just say that it is a sad day for the Kennedy family, the people of Massachusetts, and the U.S. Senate.

Now on to our usual: here's a very handsome picture of Ted Kennedy before he ballooned and looked rum-soaked.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bill Clinton.... Romantic Hero? Srsly?

We are not so much behind the curve on this one as in a completely different orbit, and the reason for that is that we have spent the entirety of the past week in a dead swoon on our chaise as a result of ol Bill's rescue mission to North Korea. We were only now able to grab the smelling salts and loosen our corset to the extent that we can post. We can honestly say that if we had been in the shoes of Laura Ling and Euna Lee, and had walked through a door in Pyongyang and been faced with Bill Clinton, we might honestly have just STROKED OUT. Either that, or flung ourselves at his knees screaming. Anyway, visions of this knight on shining white Gulfstream will keep us going next time we're locked in a Mexican prison on vacation.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Captured in the Wild: Caribbean Edition!!!!

I've recently returned from my sabbatical in the Caribbean where I was able to take some captivating photos of the rare but glorious Captain Stubingesque Silver Foxes. Lucky for me I was able to spot three, count it, three of them. Each unique and pristine in his own rights. Therefore to treat them fairly, I will honor each one in a separate post.

The first specimen is what I like to call the contemplative, but mysterious silver fox. The truth is this silver fox's wife was in a jewelery store when I took this photo and he is probably trying to figure out how much money she just charged to his credit card, but I like to keep it romantic. I will continue to think that he is planning a romantic dinner on the white shores of the Bahamas. Maybe even romance novel style - his Tommy Bahama shirt suddenly came unbuttoned as the wind blew through his hair. He turned and grabbed his wench forcefully by her hips thrusting her body passionately into his. She let out a long passionate moan as he threw her on the perfect white sand and ... I promise just came up with that and not when I took the picture 5 days ago. *wink*

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

John Slattery: TV ad partner

It is only a matter of a few days before the best show on teevee returns for another season. No, I'm not talking about SYTYCD or My Life on the D-List. I'm talking about Mad Men on AMC (that network you usually flip past on your way to CNN and Lifetime). As a resident of our nation's capital (and a member of the ghey tribe), I find a man holding a cigar, drinking Scotch, and wearing an expensive suit wildly attractive. Enter Roger Sterling (AKA in real life as John Slattery), the silver-haired ad executive with a need to schtoop every attractive woman in his 1960's office. He also did a stint as a politician with Sarah Jessica Vomit on Sex and the City. I like him better in the 60's, when he's not trotting Carrie around New York City.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Swedish Meatball Bjorn Borg

Today's athletically-themed post is brought to you in honor of SFOTD Sports Correspondent FoxySpice, who is this week cruising the Caribbean and hopefully taking lots of photos of Captain Stubingesque Silver Foxes on the high seas to shiver our timbers.

Back on dry land: sometimes, just sometimes, the clouds part, the mist lifts, and a perfect example of why we do what we do (ie, write vaguely squirm-inducing and inappropriate comments about men old enough to be our, uh, much older brothers) reveals itself. One such example is today's photo. Can you honestly say you would go for Roger Federer's squished mountain troll-face, or Rafael Nadal's greasy tendrils and Backstreet Boyish lack of facial hair, over such a gleaming sterling silver example as is tennis legend Bjorn Borg today? (If so, did you somehow get lost on your way to the Tiger Beat site?) If not, we can only assume you agree with us that youth for its own sake is no lure at all, but a well-aged silver pelt who has made his mark on the world will have our leathery little hearts forever.