Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hot for Teacher: Secretary of Education Arne Duncan

Even as a young cub, we were never one to crush on teachers – Sister Concepta, she of the luxuriant knuckle hair and dead aim with a blackboard duster, quite literally knocked that out of us. However, we’d make an exception for the current Education Secretary, who – in a bit of synergy for SFOTD sports writer FoxySpice – has the honor of “Most Random Background Of Any Current Cabinet Member,” having formerly played professional basketball in Australia. We’re very glad he came back stateside and committed to a career in public servicing, where we can admire him up close and personal - we’d polish his apples any time.

1 comment:

  1. Have you guys seen this?

    That's right, from the makers of Just for Men comes Touch of Grey, a hair dye that lets you keep some grey for that distinguished look!

    What will they think of next?! Now everybody can be a Silver Fox. There IS justice in the world after all!

    You should totally get the Touch of Grey company to sponsor this site! Keep up the good work!
