Today’s fox is being posted as a cautionary… tail.
(We’ll take a moment to absorb the applause that is surely forthcoming for our restraint in not saying “tail.”) (Yeah, we’re only human.) Smokin’ hot Alexandria, Virginia Chief of Police David Baker went from Silverus Foxus Pillar of the Communitas to drunken fool over the weekend, when he blew a 0.19 (the hell? What was he drinking, Peter O’Toole’s blood?) while trying to get on I-66. (We find that route traumatizing enough when stone cold sober.) Stupid, stupid fox. Do your time and make some serious amends – naked PSAs on our local NBC affiliate would be a start – and come back to us once rehabilitated. Remember, cubs and kittens – even looking jumpable as a trampoline in your dress blues is never – repeat, never ever – an excuse to put lives at risk.
he must go. also Alicia Hughes